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Machine Learning Project Development Tool



Skelebot provides the ability to directly publish the project’s Docker image to a chosen repository based on user config in the skelebot.yaml file. This provides a simple, consistent method to publish the image artifact of a Skelebot project to a repository based on the Skelebot environment.

    port: 5000
    user: skelebot

By default the host will be Docker Hub and the port will not be used.

The values that are provided will be structured in the name of the docker image as follows:


When published the current version of the project will be used as a tag as well as ‘latest’.

usage: skelebot publish [-h] [-t [TAGS [TAGS ...]]] [-v] [-l]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t [TAGS [TAGS ...]], --tags [TAGS [TAGS ...]]
                        Additional image tags
  -v, --omit-version    Do not publish the version as a tag
  -l, --omit-latest     Do not publish the 'LATEST' tag

If not logged-in to the provided host in the registry, you will be prompted to enter your username and password.

If you would like to make use of any custom tags when publishing the image, the tags parameter (-t --tags) can be used to specify a list of tag values.

By default, the LATEST tag and a version tag will be published along with any additional tags that are specified. Each of these may be omitted by providing the corresponding flags: --omit-version (-v) and --omit-latest (-l)


Skelebot supports publishing to AWS ECR as long as you have the proper credentials setup in ~/.aws/ as well as the aws cli installed.

NOTE: If the project is set up to run on a remote machine using the host field (more details here), make sure the local version of the aws cli is at least 2.0, otherwise publishing will fail. ECR authentication on older versions of the aws cli below 2.0 uses a very different method that is not currently being executed on remote hosts by skelebot.

To allow for ECR host authentication, the aws section will need to be added to your config.

      region: us-east-1
      profile: dev

In this config the region field is required, but the profile field is optional and will make use of the default profile in your ~/.aws/ credentials if not provided.

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