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Skelebot API

Version 1

Scaffolding Prompt Module

The prompt module provides a function to make CLI requests for information to the user during the scaffolding process.


from import prompt

promptUser(message, options=None, boolean=False)

return String

message String The prompt message to be displayed via the command line to the user
options List The list of possible options that the user can enter for their response to the prompt
boolean Boolean Whether or not the prompt should only accept a boolean response (y/N)
This function can be used during a component's scaffolding process in order to get data from the
user to populate the attributes of a component. By default, the function will allow for any String
of text to be entered as a response. The options parameter allows for the prompt to lock the user's
response to a list of choices. The boolean parameter, if set to True, will ensure that the user's
response is either True or False.