
EC2 fleets made easy

Project maintained by carsdotcom Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham



  1. Install Forge on your computer or an EC2.
  2. In AWS, create a role that the Forge EC2 will use. The name of the role should be “forge-{aws_role}-{forge-env}”.
    • Give this role any permission you need to complete the job.
    • You should give this role ec2:Describe* permissions so the worker can attach to the master.
    • Select EC2 as the trusted AWS service
  3. Create a new user, group, or role that will run the Forge commands.
    • An example IAM policy can be found here. This has the minimum permission Forge needs to run but can be modified.
      • Replace ACCOUNT_ID with your AWS account id.
      • Replace the IAM names if you changed them.
    • If you are creating a user, make sure to select Access key and download the keys.
  4. If you created a user, you need to setup the profile on the computer you will be running forge.
    • aws configure --profile forge-test
    • Enter in the Access key ID and then Secret access key
  5. Create new key pair
  6. Encode the key pair with base64. You can use this site.
  7. Create a new secret in Secrets Manager. The secret type is Other type of secret The secret name will be used in the environment yaml in the parameter “forge_pem_secret”.
    • The secret key is encoded_pem and the value is the base64 encrypted key pair.
  8. Set up the forge environment using environment yaml. There are two options to choose from.
  9. Create a user yaml. An example can be found here
  10. Test by running forge create --yaml example.yaml. Once successful, destroy the cluster by running forge destroy --yaml example.yaml.