
EC2 fleets made easy

Project maintained by carsdotcom Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham



Forge rsync makes it simple for you to copy a folder or file from local to the forge instance(s).

How to Run

  1. forge rsync
    • ALL the parameters must be the same as when forge create was ran
    • A yaml file with all the required parameters can be provided
    • Each yaml parameter can be overwritten at run time.
    • E.g. forge rsync --yaml /home/docker.yaml --rsync_path /home/test/
  2. By default, the folder or file will be moved to /root/ of the single or master instance.
    • The --all flag will copy the folder of file to all of the instances in the cluster



  1. name
  2. service
  3. forge_env
  4. rsync_path


  1. market
  2. date
  3. all
  4. yaml